Circular Reasoning

An archive site for the Skeptics' Circle. It includes a list of past Skeptics' Circles, future hosts, and announcements.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Skeptics' Circle Archive 2006

SKEPTICS' CIRCLE ARCHIVE AND SCHEDULE 2006 (the year's Skeptics' Circles listed in a convenient form):

January 5, 2006
The 25th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by The Saga of Runolfr

January 19, 2006
The 26th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Skeptic Rant

February 2, 2006
The 27th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by A Photon in the Darkness

February 16, 2006
The 28th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Used and Probably Unusable

March 2, 2006
The 29th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by The Huge Entity

March 16, 2006
The 30th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Paige's Page

March 30, 2006
The 31st Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Terra Sigillata

April 13, 2006
The 32nd Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Pooflingers Anonymous

April 27, 2006
The 33rd Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Science and Politics

May 11, 2006
The 34th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by The Second Sight

May 25, 2006
The 35th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Skeptico

June 8, 2006

The 36th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by The Examining Room of Dr. Charles

June 22, 2006
The 37th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Autism Diva

July 6, 2006
The 38th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Skeptic Rant

July 20, 2006
The 39th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Mike's Weekly Skeptic Rant

August 3, 2006
The 40th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Daylight Atheism

August 17, 2006
The 41st Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Interverbal

August 31, 2006
The 42nd Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Immunoblogging

September 14, 2006
The 43rd Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Adventures in Ethics and Science

September 28, 2006
The 44th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Salto sobrius

October 12, 2006
The 45th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by The Inoculated Mind

October 26, 2006
The 46th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Left Brain/Right Brain

November 9, 2006
The 47th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Polite Company

November 22, 2006
The 48th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by decorabilia (one day earlier due to the Thanksgiving holiday)

December 7, 2006
The 49th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Autism Street

December 21, 2006
The 50th Skeptics' Circle, hosted by Humbug! Online

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The 50th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: Carl Sagan (Pseudo) Memorial / Demon Haunted World (Pseudo) Homage

Yes, it's that time again, time for another Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle.

Given that yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the death of Carl Sagan at the too-young age of 62, this edition of the Circle, posted at Humbug! Online, is a tribute to the man and his dedication to science and skepticism. Theo has decided to arrange it in a similar fashion to the chapters in what is arguably Sagan's greatest book: The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

Next up to host the first Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle of 2007 is See You At Enceladus. If you're a blogger trying to follow in the footsteps of Carl Sagan in your own little way (like me), start thinking of a good post that will help the Circle start 2007 in fine form. And, of course, if you're interested in hosting a Circle yourself, drop me a line at, after, of course, checking out the schedule and guidelines.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The 49th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: The Medium is revealed

Those of you who have been kind enough to submit your skeptical blogging to this week's edition of the Skeptics' Circle may have been puzzled by the replies you received. It appears that DoC relied upon a certain medium to transmit the entries telepathically or by distant reading to DoC.

Well, now that the Circle is here, it would appear that DoC is AWOL. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending upon your point of view), the Medium has taken a hand and channeled the entries to a certain very famous deceased skeptic named Harry, who is as we speak transmitting them from the other side to Autism Street for your edification. (Be sure to watch the brief introductory video!)

Next up to host is Humbug! Online, who's scheduled to take this thing over on December 21, 2006, just in time for the Holidays. And what are the Holidays without a little skepticism? Oh, wait, that's right. The Holidays are the very antithesis of skepticism. Never mind. I guess that must means that skepticism is needed this time of year more than usual; so, if you're a blogger interested in science, skepticism, and critical thinking, get cracking and send your work to Humbug! Online by December 20! Guidelines for what we're looking for can be found here.

And, as always, if you're interested in hosting a meeting yourself sometime, drop me a line at The schedule and guidelines for hosts can be found at the Skeptics' Circle archive site.