Reading the entrails: The 119th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle
It's that time again, time for another meeting of that--choke!--"venerable" blog carnival known as the Skeptic's Circle.
Sorry, it just bugs me that the Circle I took over four years ago is now counted as "venerable." Oh, well.
In any case, this time around, it's at Cubik's Rube (great name for a blog, BTW), and it's a rip-roaring tale in which our host conjures a god. I kid you not. He really does. But he ends up...well, you'll just have to check out the 119th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle to find out what happens. I will say no more.
Also, don't forget that a mere two weeks hence, on September 24, the 120th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle will appear at an old stalwart favorite, Pro-Science. Get your skeptical fingers a'tappin' on your keyboard and lay down some more fantastic skeptical blogging for Kristjan Wager to use as raw material.
And, of course, if you ever want to host one of these puppies, peruse the schedule and guidelines for hosts and then drop me a line.
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